IT Department Profile

When managing the change in your organization we distinguish between:
  • the ends you wish to achieve,
  • the ways in which you can operate
  • and the means you can draw on.

The IT focuses on the MEANS

You mainly have to:
  • define, develop, deploy and operate new technology to fulfil the operational needs;
  • convince the management and the operational team of the value that new technologies could bring;
The IT driven change management can be triggered either by the arrival of a new technology (means driven) or by the changes that a new technology implies (ways driven).

Our value proposition:

  • Our Rapid Prototyping based Business Requirement Specification Mission Package will allow you to communicate with the operation team, understand their needs and get their full agreement on what you are proposing what by putting them in a simulated environment that you will iteratively adapt to their requests until converging to the final specification.
  • Our Business Realization Management Mission Package gives you a powerful tool to advertise the values created by your IT department instead of focussing only on its costs. This is an efficient tool not only to get budget approval for new project but also to ensure an associated optimal project management.